kebahagian dalam perpisahan

Tak perlu ucapkan sepatah kata
Kerna lantang terbaca dari muka
Kau dan daku sudah tiada
Keserasian di jiwa
Mungkin magisnya sudah hilang

Tak perlulah kita mencuba lagi
Betulkan kesilapan perhubungan ini
Bila setiap perbincangan
Menjadi perbalahan
Manakah agaknya cinta kasih

Embun pun takkan mampu menyubur sekuntum
Bunga yang layu pada musim luruh
Yang dulunya mekar di sinar suria
Bila sudah kering pasti akan gugur

Seperti cinta kita yang jelas ternyata
Semakin lama oh semakin rekah
Menimbulkan tanya apa mungkin kita
Temu kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan

Usah titis air mata kau tangiskan
Ku dah cukup menampung selautan
Begitu lama ku pendam
Tapi hanya berdiam
Kerna cuba menafi realiti

Kebahagiaan dalam perpisahan

happiness n mistake

Happiness... ..

There comes a time in life
When you have to let go of
all the people who create it
And surround yourself with
people who make you laugh
the bad and focus solely
on the good,
After all, life is too short to be'
anything but happy...


i've made mistakes in my life
i've let people take advantages of me
and I 've learned from my bad choices
and even though there are some
things i can never get back and people who will never be sorry
i'll know better next time and
i won't settle for anything less than
i dresses...

if i let you go..

Day after day
time passed away
and I just can't get you off my mind
nobody knows I hide it inside
I keep on searching but I can't find
the courage to show
to letting you know
I never felt so much love before
once agian I'm thinking about
taking the easy way out
but if I let you go
I would nver know
what my life would be
holding you close to me
will I ever see you smiling back at me
How will i know
If I let you go
Night after night
I hear my self say
why can this feeling just fade away?
there's no one like you
who speaks to my heart
It such a shame we're world apart
I'm too shy to ask
I'm too proud to loose
but sooner or later
I've got to choose
once agian I'm thinking about
taking the easy way out..
but, If i let you go

always think.......

u alwayz think that u are right...
u alwayz think that u are very nice...
u alwayz think that ur step are right...
u alwayz think that i not understand u...
u alwayz think that i hurt u so many times...

... but...

u dont know what i feel...
u just think urself...
u never want to think about the people surrounding u...
and I..
so sad with u wise...

i never want to let u know...
and show to u what i feel...
i dont want to hurt u...
and ...
i know it may hurt u...
more than ur finger cut with knife...

am i right

i missed u

today i thought about you
and i realized something
i felt like a part of me was missing
and i discovered it was YOU

we're so comfortable around each other
and we don't have to think about
what we say, or how we say it
i missed that today, i missed YOU

i thought of the times when we
kicked back, shared our dream, our hopes
and plans ~ and you really listened
i missed that today, i missed YOU

remembering your smile
and how you made me smile
created a smile
i love how being just who we are is enough
i missed that today, i missed YOU

and so, as you go through your busy day
ang i go through mine
please know that you often cross my mind
and i missed you today, i missed YOU


kadang2 kita terpaksa mengalah demi kebaikan... ... ... ... ..walau pun kecik hati... walupun sakit hati... .hanya mampu berdiam diri... .sabar... ..selagi boleh bertahan... .senyum selagi boleh senyum... simpan selagi ada tempat kosong... senyap selagi boleh senyap... tak nak keruhkan keadaan... ... nak jaga hati... yang paling tepat... sayang punya pasal... .!!!!
kadang2 org tak terfikir... ... kita pun manusia biasa ... ... ada hati... ada perasaan... ... ... nak jugak merajuk... ..nak jugak marah... ... nak jugak sakit hati... ..tapi... ... ... ..hurmmmm... .
kadang2 kita sentiasa menerima kelemahan dan kekurangan org... ..tapi mampukah org menerima kita seadanya... .sekali kita silap... sekali kita salah... .diabaikan... dihukum... ... dikritik... ... .kecewa... kan... .
kadang2 cuba letakkan diri di tempat tue... agak2nya apa rasa... .frustkan... .mungkin stau ujian... tapi... ... .macam mana suatu hari kita DITOLAK... tak kisahla... dari keluarga ka... ... ..kawan2... ... .teman lelaki... .agak2nya apa yang terjadi pada diri kita... YA ALLAH... .setelah kita korbankan perasaan sendiri... ..setelah kita berusaha menjaga hati org... belajar memahami isi hati org... mengalah... .
kadang2 kita kena fikir positif... InsyaAllah... .suatu hari nanti kita akan dihargai... mudah-mudahan kita mendapat kebahagian sepenuhnya... YA ALLAH... mudah-mudahan juga kita diberi kekuatan supaya tidak berputus asa...

bila kita..

bila kita sayang org tu, kita terima je apa yg org tu kata. tapi bila dia kata kita? hati kata takpe semua manusia tak sempurna. bila kita sayang org tu, kita tunggu dia lama pun tak per. tapi bila dia tunggu kita, dia marah2 hati kata ala adatlah ada yang menunggu dan ditunggu.. bila kita sayang org tu, kita tk tido pun tkpe janji layan dia yg tgh bosan. tapi bila kita bosan ada dia layan kita? hati kata tkpe dia busy kot... bila kita sayang org tu, kita gaduh ngan dia, kita diam jer. tapi dia heboh 1 dunia. hati kata tkpe, dia tension tuu... bila kita sayang org tu, kita call nak ckp dgn dia.. tapi dia gayut dgn org lain.. bila jadi cmtu, hati kata tkpe, dia ada hal nak ckp dgn kwn dia... bila kita sayang org tu, kita bercerita dgn dia, mcm bcerita ngan tunggul lagi baik. tapi bila dia bercerita ngan kita..kita dengar. takpelah, takkan dia asyik nk buat semua benda utk kita... bila kita sayang org tu, kita tak sanggup tgk dia derita tapi dia tak pernah hargai diri kita, hati kata, tau tak betapa kita sayangkan dia? bila kita sayang org tu, kita sanggup tinggalkan dia selama2nya utk dia bahagia... tapi adakah dia tahu pengorbanan kita? hati kata takpe, janji dia bahagia

12 Ways to Mend a Broken Heart

1. Go through it, not around it.

I realize the most difficult task for a person with a broken heart is to stand still and feel the crack. But that is exactly what she must do. Because no shortcut is without its share of obstructions. Here's a simple fact: You have to grieve in order to move on. During the 18 months of my severe depression, my therapist repeated almost every visit: "Go through it. Not around it." Because if I went around some of the issues that were tearing me apart inside, then I would bump into them somewhere down the line, just like being caught in the center of a traffic circle. By going through the intense pain, I eventually surfaced as a stronger person ready to tackle problems head on. Soon the pain lost its stronghold over me.

2. Stand on your own.

One of the most liberating thoughts I repeat to myself when I'm immersed in grief and sadness is this: I don't need anyone or anything to make me happy. That job is all my own, with a little help from God. When I'm experiencing the intense pangs of grief, it is so difficult to trust that I can be whole without that person in my life. But I have learned over and over again that I can. I really can. It is my job to fill the emptiness, and I can do it ... creatively, and with the help of my higher power.

3. Detach.

Attempting to fill the void yourself--without rushing to a new relationship or trying desperately to win your lover back--is essentially what detaching is all about. The Buddha taught that attachment that leads to suffering. So the most direct path to happiness and peace is detachment. In his book, "Eastern Wisdom for Western Minds," Victor M. Parachin tells a wonderful story about an old gardener who sought advice from a monk. Writes Parachin:

"Great Monk, let me ask you: How can I attain liberation?" The Great Monk replied: "Who tied you up?" This old gardener answered: "Nobody tied me up." The Great Monk said: "Then why do you seek liberation?"

4. List your strengths.

As I wrote in my "12 Ways to Keep Going" post, a technique that helps me when I feel raw and defeated to try anymore is to list my strengths. I say to myself, "Self, you have been sober for 20 years!! Weaklings can't pull off that! And here you are, alive, after those 18 months of intense suicidal thoughts. Plus you haven't smoked a cigarette since that funeral back in December of last year!" I say all of that while listening to the "Rocky" soundtrack, and by the last line, I'm ready to tackle my next challenge: move on from this sadness and try to be a productive individual in this world. If you can't list your strengths, start a self-esteem file. Click here to learn how you build one.

5. Allow some fantasizing.

Grief wouldn't be the natural process that it should be without some yearning for the person you just lost. Dr. Christine Whelan, who writes the "Pure Sex, Pure Column" on, explains the logic of allowing a bit of fantasy. She writes:

If you are trying to banish a sexual fantasy from your head, telling yourself "I'm not going to fantasize about her" or "I won't think about what it would be like to be intimate with him" might make it worse: In a famous psychological study from the 1980s, a group of subjects were told to think about anything but whatever they did, they were not supposed to think about a white bear. Guess what they all thought about?

6. Help someone else.

When I'm in pain, the only guaranteed antidote to my suffering is to box up all of my feelings, sort them, and then try to find a use for them. That's why writing Beyond Blue contributes a big chunk to my recovery, why moderating Group Beyond Blue has me excited to wake up every day. When you turn your attention to another person--especially someone who is struggling with the same kind of pain--you forget about yourself for a split moment. And let's face it, that, on some days, feels like a miracle.

7. Laugh. And cry.

Laughter heals on many levels as I explain in my "9 Ways Humor Heals" post, and so does crying. You think it's just a coincidence that you always feel better after a good cry? Nope, there are many physiological reasons that contribute to the healing power of tears. Some of them have been documented by biochemist William Frey who has spent 15 years as head of a research team studying tears. Among their findings is that emotional tears (as compared to tears of irritation, like when you cut an onion) contain toxic biochemical byproducts, so that weeping removes these toxic substances and relieves emotional stress. So go grab a box of Kleenex and cry your afternoon away.

8. Make a good and bad list.

You need to know which activities will make you feel good, and which ones will make you want to toilet paper your ex-lover's home (or apartment). You won't really know which activity belongs on which list until you start trying things, but I suspect that things like checking out his wall on Facebook and seeing that he has just posted a photo of his gorgeous new girlfriend is not going to make you feel good, so put that on the "don't attempt" list, along with e-mails and phone calls to his buddies fishing for information about him. On the "feels peachy" list might be found such ventures as: deleting all of his e-mails and voicemails, pawning off the jewelry he gave you (using the cash for a much-needed massage?), laughing over coffee with a new friend who doesn't know him from Adam (to ensure his name won't come up).

9. Work it out.

Working out your grief quite literally--by running, swimming, walking, or kick-boxing--is going to give you immediate relief. On a physiological level--because exercise increases the activity of serotonin and/or norepinehrine and stimulates brain chemicals that foster growth of nerve cells--but also on an emotional level, because you are taking charge and becoming the master of your mind and body. Plus you can visualize the fellow who is responsible for your pain and you can kick him in the face. Now doesn't that feel good?

10. Create a new world.

This is especially important if your world has collided with his, meaning that mutual friends who have seen him in the last week feel the need to tell you about it. Create your own safe world--full of new friends who wouldn't recognize him in a crowd and don't know how to spell his name--where he is not allowed to drop by for a figurative or literal surprise visit. Take this opportunity to try something new--scuba diving lessons, an art class, a book club, a blog--so to program your mind and body to expect a fresh beginning ... without him.

11. Find hope.

There's a powerful quote in the movie "The Tale of Despereaux" that I've been thinking about ever since I heard it: "There is one emotion that is stronger than fear, and that is forgiveness." I suppose that's why, at my father's deathbed, the moment of reconciliation between us made me less scared to lose him. But forgiveness requires hope: believing that a better place exists, that the aching emptiness experienced in your every activity won't be with you forever, that one day you'll be excited to make coffee in the morning or go to a movie with friends. Hope is believing that the sadness can evaporate, that if you try like hell to move on with your life, your smile won't always be forced. Therefore in order to forgive and to move past fear, you need to find hope.

12. Love deeply. Again and again.

Once our hearts are bruised and burned from a relationship that ended, we have two options: we can close off pieces of our heart so that one day no one will be able to get inside. Or we can love again. Deeply, just as intensely as we did before. Henri Nouwen urges to love again because the heart only expands with the love we are able to pour forth. He writes:

The more you have loved and have allowed yourself to suffer because of your love, the more you will be able to let your heart grow wider and deeper. When your love is truly giving and receiving, those whom you love will not leave your heart even when they depart from you. The pain of rejection, absence, and death can become fruitful. Yes, as you love deeply the ground of your heart will be broken more and more, but you will rejoice in the abundance of the fruit it will bear.